1. I didn't want to use a pacifier! No reason really. I just think all babies are much more cute without them. In this I have failed largely. Not only does she use a pacifier, but she uses the ugly ones like they use at the hospitals! (After writing that I grabbed a MAM brand paci with a cute clover on it, and she took it!) She really only uses them to go to sleep (except when other people are around her, but that's a whole other story) so I've somewhat forgiven myself.
2. Nursing. I was pretty adamant about this from the beginning. And this was probably the one thing I did educate myself on early on. I never thought about using formula. And I was prepared to purchase from a Milk Bank or a Donor. Whatever it would take to get my baby breast milk. But we ended up being lucky in that department.
No picture for his one, sorry. Though I honest and truly want a really nice picture of us nursing, just for our records. So if you know anyone with a nice camera...
3. Names. This was really all I ever thought about. I had stipulations...I didn't want it to be a boys name. (i struggled with that) And I wanted people to be able to spell, and pronounce it. I think I followed these rules very well for her name. But most people don't agree that Harper is a girls name. Say what you will, but I have yet to meet, or even hear of a male named Harper.
I was in Barnes & Noble a few days ago, and I could resist..
FOURTH. & the reason I am posting this. Cloth Diapering. I have no good reason for wanting to use cloth either. I am in no way a 'green' individual. But I knew I at least wanted to try them out to see if I could survive them. Though I don't have any problems with disposable diapers, for me personally, using cloth makes me feel like I am doing at least something right and good.(let's face it, unless forced by the government (which we might) i am never going to own an electric car, or have solar panels) But if nothing else it's a great "food storage" type item to have.
As of right now I am succeeding in cloth. We started Friday morning, and haven't used 1 disposable yet. I am very happy about it!
Like with anything, you get the best deal when you buy in bulk. Luckily a friend loaned me 4 to begin with. So I was able to try them out before I made an official decision. Harper took a while to grow into them, so we didn't start using them until she was 3 months old. We LOVED them! and got our order last Tuesday!!
There are a lot of brands out there. Because I was familiar with the Bumgenius brand loaned to me, that's what I stuck with. I ordered 12, so total I have 16. For us they last 2 days before I need to do laundry. We still have a few to get us through the 3rd day while they are being laundered. Its recommended that you don't go more than 2 days with out washing any way, so it's about perfect.
The first 4 would Velcro together. I decided to go with snaps for my large purchase. The Velcro is easier, and less bulky, but after washing them only a few times I noticed the quality of the Velcro wasn't the same. A replacement kit for the Velcro is recommended, but I know myself well enough to know that I don't want to do that. So snaps it is! They are also 1 sized diapers, so they will last her till potty training time. (I hope)
Here are some of the Cloth.. I have a really cute light pink one that I had to exchange for a new one. so it's not in the picture. FYI, I love the colors! But if I purchase more I think I will stick with the lighter colors, like white, or the really pale ones that probably look like white it this picture. They are kinda grey.
Hanging them to dry..and sun bleach.. ps, why has no one told me the miracle of the sun on laundry?
To store the dirty diaps in I got 2 water resistant bags, that also keep out any yucky smells. 1 for at home, and 1 for the diaper bag when we are out and about. & BTW they work great, even when we are out. It makes my diaper bag more full, but I don't mind.
Here we have laundry detergent, a spray bottle, and a spray gun.
Its recommended to use detergent that doesn't have any brighteners, enzymes, fragrances, or dyes, using this will ultimately be better for babies bum, and help the diaper last longer. So instead of searching every store for the brands they recommend that I had never heard of, I just got the manufactures stuff. I really like it! I think I will use it for all my baby laundry when my other stuff is gone.
The spray bottle is some formula to keep the diaps from smelling like ammonia. I probably wouldn't have gotten this if not for my practice run of cloth. I did notice a weird smell coming from them. I assume its an ammonia type smell. Don't know for sure. But since using it they smell fine. But that stuff will go quick. I am glad the online store has free shipping.
The spray gun I think would be wonderful in any home that has young children. I haven't used it yet, but it hooks up to the toilet, and it has different pressures, 1-10, and you spray off poop into the loo. So it illuminates dunking, and rinsing in the toilet, or a hose. I've been with a few kids that have had accidents, and I sure wish I had one of these at the time!
I also got some flush able liner for when her #2 is more solid. Then I can just throw them into the toilet and be done with it! How nice is that?!
We love the cloth at our house!
This is awesome!! the last picture is my favorite:)
Totally awesome! I love it! I really wanted to try cloth diapers too, but never did... good for you! My mom scared me away from it telling me horror stories from when she "had" to use such horrid things. I know that cloth diaps have changed in the last 30 years or so though... I should've done it! Thanks for the post!
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