Monday, July 25, 2011

just venting

This evening I did a quick trip to the Mall. I have a few gift cards, and no clothes that fit me, so I thought I would check out some stores. Since I was planning on trying on clothes, and I was by myself I decided that the best way to go about this trip was putting some miles on the stroller and pushing Harper around. That's why I have a stroller right? I'm not the only one that goes to a mall with a stroller am I?

Anyway, Harper was poopy, and my bladder was full, so I decided to try out the "Family Bathroom" inside of Nordrums that I have always been curious about first. It was wonderful. On my way out of the hallway where the bathroom is located and Nordstrums shopping area, we passed a group of 5 or 6 ladies. One of whom said, "people should really learn to use slings!" If this was directed towards me or not I don't know. But within a 2 minute time frame I experienced a large variety of emotions.

First I was irate. Who does this lady think she is making a comment like that? I contemplated turning around and catching up with her and defending my case in a very rude way. Of course I didn't do that and just kept walking. I did however turn my head and glare just in case she was looking at me. Unfortunately for me she wasn't. Fortunately for her she wasn't...I have practiced this glare may times.

Some good seconds had passed and now I was processing what she had said a little differently. I felt very self conscious. I did a quick venture to the over priced Baby section, turned around, and when back to my car and headed home. On my way out of the parking lot I probably saw 3 or 4 different moms with strollers. I am, and was, so angry at myself for letting someone make me feel like I was hanging out with my baby the wrong way.

This was the first time, known to me at least, that someone was looking at me as a mother in a negative way. I really hated it. I realize it is just over someones stupid opinion, and either they don't have kids, or they were being a dumb, selfish mom and left her kids elsewhere because she couldn't handle taking care of them herself! (Take that Nordstums shopping lady!)

Maybe she wasn't directing it towards me. But I heard it, I was not using a sling, and I took it personal. So to the lady who I over heard bite me! And the next time I see you I am "accidentally" going to give you a flat tire with my awesome stroller!

And that's all. I feel better. Even though I still don't have any clothes that fit. I will go again tomorrow...

1 comment:

Cade and Kelsie said...

I hate it when I let people make me feel like that! Hope you went again and found something cute!